Salam all! =D
Continue from this POST and what am promise is upload the photos and do it my write up. Ok, here we start. I was arrive at Sunway Lagoon early morning around 8.30am and breakfast at Shaz Bistro first ( lapar lah..)
The same place during i attend the Samsung Corby event. Then, meet up with top bloggers. Then, snap pictures around registration table, boraking with TaliBarut Kak Ina KL, TianChad, Huai Bin and the last, Mr President Nuffnang, Timothy Tiah ( Audry also!)
Pictures time! and this so exclusive because i`m not upload in Facebook yet! errkk~ is it consider? =P
Press Photographer ( err, may be..) i hope can buy Canon 1D
.. teheee~ just dream lah dulu.. =_=~
Tim & Audry.. alamak~ not see lah your face.. =O
Before registration table open for register... kinda bz aite? uhu~
the Cool bloggers and Famous Amos also!
U meet them, u want "eat" them!! muekekek~
Cik Lily Putih- Mama Taiko
SumiJelly- Mama Daniel
Hamzah UiA- Azroy Gila-gila remaja version II
Eryqazz- Muda Sokmo
** Pintu gerbang masuk dan dalam..
Last pix, ehermmm!! is it ME?? heheh~ kurus sket mehh! ( erkk.. ye ke?)
Thanks to Mr. Eryqazz taken this picture...Ramadhan will coming up, so i hope can lost 20KG... weeee~ see next posting! Salam.. =D
Thanks to Mr. Eryqazz taken this picture...Ramadhan will coming up, so i hope can lost 20KG... weeee~ see next posting! Salam.. =D
fuhyooo... cun ah ko ambik gambo..
aku tunggu ko update la nak curi ni.. haha.. aku la paling lambat update sony event tuh.. hehe
uhu~ thanx bro.. shoot memain je nieh.. suka2.. =D
takpe2, curik je.. pe de kesah.. heheh...
eeii .
cane bole nampak hamzah ian di situ ?
alamak transfer gambo pun belum lagi.. jap lagi buat lah.. comel gak gambo mama taiko kan!
Elmo blurb:
Salam Elmo! hahah hamzah mmg ada disitu.. bukan gambar tampalan.. wakakakak... Dia agak peymess meh kat UiA? =D
Cik Lily Putih:
Yeahh!! habeh la pas nie.. melekat nama "mama taiko".. ahahahha~
elmo: haha.. dah pegi jgk mesti ade..
shahrul:ok jgk bg name mama taiko kan.. haha..
sudah kurus?? errr..tang mane ek? huhuhu
hahaha.. aku je pepandai bagi nama mama Taiko.. wahahah.. =D
hehe~ kurus dowwhh!! ko la lame tak nmpk kat event Nuffnang!.. hehehe~
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