** Timothy Tiah | Founder of Nuffnang.com
Salam to all. Do you have a blog? and how long do you write in your blog? How if you want to generate income from the blog medium? so with this, sparked the idea of a young man named Timothy who holds a BS in economics, University College London, with partners to develop advertising through blogs.
I have personally met several times and chat with him, should be given praise and appreciation which he had never felt awkward with all the bloggers in any event conducted by the company.
This report is written from blommberg on November 16, 2007, 8:34 AM, and I just notice it! but i want blog post it too (to be my inspiration..) =D
the best quo from Mr. Tim is,
"The most important thing I learned was that business is not about getting all your moves right. It's about learning all the wrong moves you made so that you'll never make them again.
Happy reading. Thanks spent time for read this post. =) Salam!
ooo ingatkan apalah tadi
Kak Ina KL:
huhu~ tak de pape pon.. cuma saya je ketinggalan zaman.. ahahah~
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