Salam & Hellooow to all....
aHah! pe kabo yOp? sehat ye mike- mike sekalian.. ececeh ko saroll.. nak kecek Perak le kunun.. ahahah, tak dek nyer la menjadi slang perak nyer.. JAWA tetap JAWA ok.. ehh ehh im not racist yach!! :)... dari hari tu layan U2 ( bukan seksyen U2... tu tempat Studio aku.. aherkz!) but group omputih tu lew.. U2.. aku dah gila ngan lagu " Magnificent" yang pada hemat aku, music gaya cam nie lah selalu band2 "sana" pkai.. tak caya?? haaa... g layan dalam Youtube
Oh, oh, magnificent
I was born, I was born
To be with you in this space and time
After that and ever after
I haven't had a clue only to break rhyme
This foolishness can leave a heart black and blue, oh, oh
Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love can heal such a scar
I was born, I was born to sing for you
I didn't have a choice but to lift you up
And sing whatever song you wanted me to
I give you back my voice from the womb
My first cry, it was a joyful noise, oh, oh
Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love can heal such a scar
Justified, till we die you and I will magnify, oh, oh
Magnificent, magnificent, oh, oh
Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love unites our hearts
Justified, till we die you and I will magnify, oh, oh
Magnificent, magnificent, magnificent
Oh, oh, magnificent
I was born, I was born
To be with you in this space and time
After that and ever after
I haven't had a clue only to break rhyme
This foolishness can leave a heart black and blue, oh, oh
Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love can heal such a scar
I was born, I was born to sing for you
I didn't have a choice but to lift you up
And sing whatever song you wanted me to
I give you back my voice from the womb
My first cry, it was a joyful noise, oh, oh
Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love can heal such a scar
Justified, till we die you and I will magnify, oh, oh
Magnificent, magnificent, oh, oh
Only love, only love can leave such a mark
But only love, only love unites our hearts
Justified, till we die you and I will magnify, oh, oh
Magnificent, magnificent, magnificent
Credit for this LINK. tQ~
OK! habis pasal music kegemaran aku.. ahahah~
Pagi tadi sepatutnya ada #1 Outing untuk Group Strobist. But, aku tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu, satu batang hidung pon tak nampak.. dok terconggok aku sorang2 kat area Balai Bomba tu... hermm.. terkilan gak, but nak buat cam na, Allah tak izin kan, tak pelah de hikmah sebalik tu... so aku pon berjalan2 sekitar situ dan beberapa keping gambar bangunan telah aku amik untuk buat koleksi peribadi... dan untuk tatapan korang jugak lah ye! :)
Aku dari dulu lagi nak amik gambo dekat area situ, sebab bangunan situ satunya2 "rumah tinggal" yang pada aku agak rare lah.. perghhh.. tapi nantilah aku kongsi k.. yang aku load nie untuk aku nak gantung kat studio aku nanti.... aku bg title " big & SMALL" nape tulisan tu cam tu.. ade sigfinicant dia... hehheh~
**Click this pix for BIG size, tQ~ :)
korang tatap dan hayati lah ye, aceli banyak tafsiran yang korang leh buat dalam 1 gambar nie, contohnya gambar kat atas tu. Bagi aku, apa yang aku nak sampaikan dah jelas yang aku sebutkan tadi kan... so korang pon ada andaian tersendiri. Tapi apa pon, hanya penangkap gambo nie saja yang tahu akan mesej yang cuba nak disampaikan.. teheee~ :)
Lunch time.. see later guyz! salam...
the picture looks nice.. but to many watermarks edy =P
Kenwooi: yeah thanx buddy.. owh, w/mark just for secure only ( lately too many people stolen picture).. LOL~ :D
jawa world...hihhi..cantik laa pic tue...wlaupun org xdpt nk memahami mksud gambar memang cantik gambar tue...5bintang utk anda...hihhi
Zetty: thanx zetty!.. yeahh JAWA yo!! eheheh.. thanx for ur comment aite.. nak tgk gambar2 lain koleksi " Stil Alive" saya layari FAN page SH iMAGE ya di sini
tq! :)
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